“You’re not supposed to wash those”
& utilizing your freezer
Maybe a lesser known “don’t”. I heard recently, that you are never supposed to wash your jeans. I thought about it…and it kind of makes sense. Every time I wash my jeans, they lose shape and color. So what’s the alternative? Should we just live in filth the rest of our jean-clad lives? If you want to, sure, but the alternative is surprising…the freezer.
Put your jeans in the freezer for 2-3 days they said…so I did it. My jeans definitely felt more form fitting. I think this would be a good alternative for expensive, dark-wash jeans. However for a lighter wash, or jeans that don’t leave a dent in your wallet, I would say just wash them.
Other uses…
Although jeans are not worth it; putting spoons in the freezer is a great way to de-puff in the morning. I put two spoons in overnight, and then use then on my eyes/under eyes when I wake up. Highly recommend.
You can also hollow out old/unused lipstick, and fill them carefully with water. Then freeze overnight, and you have a roll up ice stick! (Yes I saw this on tik tok-no shame)