“You can fix that”

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It’s happened to everyone. A dropped compact, a luggage mishap resulting in broken palettes, and so on. There’s an easy solution to broken powder products, and it’s rubbing alcohol.

First, make sure the powder is sufficiently broken up into little pieces, this will make it easier to reform. Use a few drops of isopropyl rubbing alcohol, and mix in slowly/gently with the broken powder. Once they are well mixed, you need to let it dry for a bit. Wait until the solution is semi-hard to the touch. Then you want to take a piece of paper towel and place anything in the shape of your compact or eyeshadow with a little weight on it over the paper towel. Gently press in so that the powder recompacts. Wait till the product fully dries, and you’re good to go!

Why alcohol?

Liquid is needed to rebind the product, and rubbing alcohol is a pure liquid that will not change the chemical makeup the cosmetic. It also has a high evaporation rate, meaning that the product will dry quickly to be ready for use.


“Don’t throw that out”